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waiting vs. trusting

As I've said before, I have trouble waiting on God's timing. But he continues to show me mercy and reveal His plan to me little by little.

Recently I was hounding my friends in Costa Rica to give me some dates when I would be able to visit. I kept pushing for dates so I could put in for my time off at work. They didn't have dates yet. I kept pestering and then finally, God showed me why i need to relax and wait on His timing.

Trust me. - God

An opportunity came about for me to teach high school Spanish in a local Christian school! What a wonderful transition between my current life and life in Costa Rica! How perfectly God works things according to HIS PLAN. So I didn't need those dates after all because I was beginning a new job and would have to change all my prior plans.

See? I told you to trust me! - God

So I begin preparing for my new job and I am told that the teacher from last year had been hired on for the month of September, when the school did not yet have a Spanish teacher to replace her before her fellowship to Spain. I thought that was nice and would be helpful in my transition but didn't give it too much thought.

Trust me Rachel. - God

Then God made it possible for me to have a needed outpatient surgery on my old medical insurance (basically for free) and to have a week off to recover before I start teaching. Well the surgery must not have gone according to the original plan because, instead of a 2" incision i have a winding 6" incision and was not cleared to work until I see my surgeon again. I was upset, I need to be released! I told them I would be there! I have to start teaching!

Rachel, trust me - God

So I emailed the principal and explained the situation, how I was so sorry to be letting them down, that I was anxious to get there and that I apologized for not being able to start on time. She responded, "Don't worry about it, we have the other teacher, I'm praying for your healing."

I love you, just trust me. - God

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God give me the strength to rely on You completely and to trust You in all things. Amen

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